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Our RMK Facility

​Welcome, we are ready for your best research experience.

RMK Research - Consumer Insight Provider
RMK Interior View

The RMK facility and working conditions allow our team members to stimulate progressive thinking and vibrantly contribute innovative ideas or research methods.

Large FGD Room & Observation Room

We have the largest observation room, recording facility, and conference equipment room in Korea that can accommodate more than 15 people.

Live streaming Platform
for Digital Ethnography

We offer a web streaming service that allows you to freely monitor your interviews from overseas. 

Tel: +82) 02 3442 7580

4F, Platinum Tower398, Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea  [06619]

서울특별시 서초구 서초대로 398 (서초동, 플래티넘타워) 4층

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